Punjab Governor Chaudhry Mohammad Sarwar has said that tension between America and Iran is not only harmful for the region but also for the entire world and it will have to be given an end.
The nation and all the political parties are on the same page and standing beside Pakistan Army for defense and security of the country, and anti-Pakistan agenda of India will be foiled on every front. PTI government is adhering to prosperity and development agenda not for a province but for entire Pakistan. People of Balochistan will be given their rights in real sense. No one will be allowed to create chaos or take the law into hands in the universities. He was talking to a delegation of columnists and anchor persons along with Acting Governor of Balochistan Abdul Qaddus Bezenjo here at Governor House on Wednesday. Punjab Governor Chaudhry Mohammad Sarwar said that there is no doubt in it that past governments did not ensure provision of rights to the people of Balochistan, which created a sense of deprivation among them. However, from the day first, the PTI government under the leadership of Prime Minister Imran Khan is committed to take along our Baloch brethren while ensuring prosperity and development in every sector there. The sacrifices rendered by our Baloch brethren for establishment of peace are highly commendable and we believe that prosperous Balochistan is inevitable for prosperous Pakistan. Insha’Allah, we will materialize all those promises made with the people of Balochistan, and all the provinces will make Pakistan stronger and foil the nefarious designs of anti-state elements.
He said that approval of Army Act (Amendment) Bill with thumping majority in the parliament is indeed victory of the democracy, and a clear proof of the fact that we all are on the same page for security and bright future of the country. Acting Governor Balochistan Abdul Qaddus Bezenjo said, I am grateful to Punjab Governor Chaudhry Mohammad Sarwar, who gave me an opportunity to meet with you people. Present government and Prime Minister Imran Khan should take optimum advantage of the wisdom and political sagacity of Chaudhry Mohammad Sarwar. He said we are not against the development of Punjab or any other province but want availability of health and educational facilities in Balochistan so as to end sense of deprivation among the people of that province.
He said that in the past, anti-Pakistan forces had used to misguide the Baloch people, adding that today Balochistan is not the Balochistan of the past as there is complete unity and solidarity along with peace prevail there. We are playing our due role in strengthening and development of Pakistan and it gives us pleasure, when we see best facilities in Punjab or any other province, as Pakistan belongs to all of us. When we think that Pakistan is not of a tribe or a party but belongs to all of us then no power of the world can stop Pakistan to advance further. He said that people of Balochistan always rendered sacrifices in the war against terrorism and establishment of peace, which has no precedence in the history. Baloch people love Pakistan and Pakistan Army.