Pakistan Navy Ships MOAWIN and ASLAT visited Mombasa, Kenya as part of Pakistan Navy Overseas Deployment around African region. During the visit, Mission Commander & Commanding Officers of the visiting ships called on important Kenyan authorities, established free medical camp besides holding an exercise with Kenyan Navy. The visit was also amply utilized to highlight atrocities of Indian Armed Forces in Indian Occupied Kashmir (IoK).
Upon arrival at port of Mombasa, visiting Pakistan Navy Ships were extended warm welcome by Kenyan Navy. Mission Commander along with Commanding Officers of Pakistan Navy Ships called on Commander in Chief of Kenyan Navy, County Commissioner of Mombasa and other Kenyan authorities. During the interactions, Mission Commander conveyed sincere regards of Chief of the Naval Staff, Admiral Zafar Mahmood Abbasi for people of Kenya in general and Kenyan Navy in particular. Both the sides displayed commitment to further enhance brotherly relations and expand bilateral cooperation between the two countries. Pakistan’s sacrifices in fight against terrorism and Pakistan Navy’s role in ensuring maritime security were also highlighted which were duly acknowledged by the host.
As a gesture of goodwill, a free Medical Camp was also established off port premises by a team of Pakistan Navy doctors and paramedics. The camp provided medical treatment and medicines to around 2200 local patients. Some patients were also treated/ operated onboard Pakistan Navy Ship MOAWIN, which is fitted with state of the art medical facilities. Establishment of Medical Camp by Pakistan Navy was widely appreciated and generated tremendous goodwill amongst local populace.
A reception dinner was also hosted onboard Pakistan Navy Ship. Senior Officers of Kenyan Navy along with a large number of diplomatic corps and prominent local community attended the event. On the occasion, deteriorating situation and human rights violations being committed by Indian Armed Forces against innocent people in Indian Occupied Kashmir (loK) were highlighted.
Later, an exercise between Kenyan Navy and Pakistan Navy Ships was also conducted in Kenyan waters to enhance naval collaboration. The ongoing deployment of Pakistan Navy Ships to Africa is aimed at further strengthening friendly ties with African Countries, extending humanitarian assistance and developing interoperability with the host navies.