FAISALABAD: Former prime minister Nawaz Sharif on Tuesday said that the NAB cases against himself and the Sharif family are ‘nothing but lies’.
“The hearing of the cases against me and my family should be aired on live Television so people could know what the truth is. The cases against me are lies and I have always worked with utmost honesty,” Nawaz said while speaking to a public gathering in Faisalabad.
Referring to his ouster from premiership, Nawaz reiterated that he was disqualified for “refusing to accept his son’s pay”, while he questioned those in attendance “do you accept such a decision?”.
Continuing, Nawaz said that the Sharif family has appeared before the courts ’50 times’. He questioned that “for what reason are we being punished?”, while the former premier added that “whatever has been happening from past 70 years needs to stop.”
Nawaz also said the the public does not accept SC’s decision to disqualify him as prime minister, while adding that he is not afraid of anyone and will continue to work for the welfare of people.